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Munson Mountain: Hike behind the iconic ‘Penticton’ sign

Ahh Munson Mountain… a Penticton classic! If you are looking for an all-levels hike (or is it just a stroll?) with iconic views then this is the one for you. The Munson Mountain trail is an incredibly easy hike with a gently sloped, paved trail leading to a lookout. There is an optional loop along slightly steeper dirt trails and some more challenging side trails if you are feeling adventurous. Munson Mountain is a classic Penticton hike because it leads you behind the famous “PENTICTON” sign, which is visible from Lake Okanagan.

Penticton sign on Munson Mountain

Key facts

  • The gazebo and main lookout are just 200m from the parking lot along a paved trail
  • There are steeper, dirt paths off the paved path so you can climb higher if feeling adventurous
  • There is a parking lot with about 16 spaces right at the trailhead
  • The trailhead is just a 5 minute drive from downtown Penticton
  • The path is both paved and gravel/dirt but you can just stick to the paved trail if you prefer
  • There are plenty of picnic benches along the vista to relax and take in the views

Munson Mountain is located just a 5 minute drive from downtown Penticton. The turnoff to Munson Mountain Road off Munson Ave is well-marked with a sign. At the top of Munson Mountain Road there is a parking lot with about 16 spaces but i’ve never seen it even close to full. Immediately next to the parking lot is the trailhead. There are two paths: one is paved and leads to the gazebo and the other is steep and rocky and leads higher up the mountain.

The trailhead

Hiking Munson Mountain

The paved path is barely 200m long so is incredibly accessible to all levels of hikers. The view from the gazebo is stunning! On a clear day you can see the entire stretch of Penticton and all the way to Skaha Lake. If you continue on from the gazebo there is a dirt path that climbs even higher. It is a bit steep but not too challenging. There are plenty of picnic benches along the climb if you want to stop and enjoy the views.

The gazebo and path on the Munson Mountain hike

There is a side trail that you can walk, which takes you right behind the “PENTICTON” sign. I climbed right behind the top of the “N” but my fear of heights stopped me from walking further behind the letters. I would definitely proceed with extreme caution if you plan on attempting that part of the hike!

Hike behind the PENTICTON sign

There is an even higher portion of the hike for those who are feeling ambitious. It does get fairly steep and rocky though so I only recommend proceeding if you feel confident. Though to put it into perspective, my 3 year old was able to make it to the top and only needed assistance coming back down.

Pen Henge at the top of Munson Mountain

A cool thing to look out for if you make it all the way to the top of Munson Mountain is Pen Henge. Pen Henge was setup by the Penticton Astronomical Society and is a sunset marker made up of four stones that point to where the sun sets during each of the seasons. There is one stone each for Winter Solstice, Equinox and Summer Solstice as well as this marker stone that explains what you are looking at.

Pen Henge on Munson Mountain

Fun facts about Munson Mountain

  • Munson Mountain is one of Canada’s Historic Places
  • The “PENTICTON” sign was initially created in 1937 and is made of 44,000 pounds of silica rock imbedded with concrete
  • Munson Mountain is actually an extinct volcano! It is the remains of a volcano that was active 55 million years ago
  • There used to be a mine at the base of Munson Mountain. From the late 1800’s through to about 1952 miners looked for antimony, gold, silver and copper.

Tips for hiking Munson Mountain

  • Wear sunscreen and bring a hat as the paved path down to the lookout is relatively shady but otherwise it is a full sun hike.
  • Bring any food or drinks that you need for the hike. There are no shops or restaurants in the immediate area.
  • There is no washroom or port a potty at the trailhead
  • If you plan on venturing off the paved portion of the trail make sure you wear good walking shoes. It is steep with loose dirt and gravel.
  • Don’t let dogs or kids explore off the path as there are little cactus, which can be painful if they get stuck in paws or shoes.
The view from the top of Munson Mountain


The hike to Munson Mountain is a perfect activity to experience Penticton. With stunning views, beautiful photography and an easy adventure to get there it is well worth the stop to check it out. Consider a morning hike before stopping by the Penticton Farmers Market for some shopping and an early lunch or brunch. A sunset hike would also be stunning and the perfect way to end the night after dinner at one of Penticton’s new restaurants.

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